Thermal discharge studies of Wisconsin utilities, 1972-1976.


Thermal discharge studies of Wisconsin utilities, 1972-1976.

Aquatic biota information (fish, algae, insects, and water chemistry) generated over a 4-year period to prove to the Department of Natural Resources and the federal Environmental Protection Agency that no adverse environmental impacts were occurring from utilities' warm water discharges into Lake Michigan and other inland waters. On the basis of these studies, the state issued Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits to the utilities, allowing them to maintain their levels of discharge. The studies were completed to comply with the federal Clean Water Act (section 316) and sections NR290 and NR102, Wisconsin Administrative Code. The series contains reports and correspondence between the DNR and the utilities: Wisconsin Power and Light, Dairyland Power Coop, Northern States Power, and Wisconsin Public Service-Kewaunee.

No records yet in archival custody.


SNAC Resource ID: 7274834

Wisconsin Historical Society Archives

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